Intellectual Transformation
Education to Establish and Apply a Biblical Worldview
Education to Establish and Apply a Biblical Worldview
“The worldview of the Bible is the ‘new tongue’ that the world needs to hear. When God’s truths are declared by the church into the culture, people are united to do good and the forces of evil at work in the marketplace of ideas are defeated.”
– Mark Beliles, Speaking the Nation’s New Tongues
Worldview Training
In-depth training on the philosophy and methodology a biblical worldview, including curriculums for educational institutions and homeschools.
Support and networking for homeschoolers and team building for educators that will transform communities and nations.
Coaching for schools and universities on how to implement programs that will expand the reach of a biblical worldview.
Focus on the Next Generation
We focus on meeting children in the home and the school because that is where worldviews are shaped in the next generation.
Mentor Professional Educators
Every professional educatory carries their worldview into their classroom. We focus on empowering them with a strong biblical worldview.
Leverage Arts & Media
We develop artists and journalists in biblical worldview so as their influence expands, so does God's Kingdom.
Canada Family Action
The leading family advocate group in Canada, led by Doug Sharpe.
Strategic application of a biblical worldview in life and business, led by Katherine Gallagher.
Kingdom Education Fellowship
This multi-national program is led by Vishal Mangalwadi.