
Foundational Statement


We believe that resolving virtually any problem confronted by our communities starts with identifying and collaboratively applying  transcendent values revealed in scripture. 

Those values: (1) protect and empower personal and social responsibility; (2) establish accountability; (3) maximize personal freedom; (4) nurture sustainable prosperity for the greatest number of people; and (5) facilitate effective and collaborative community care.  

Who and What

The Global Transformation Network is segmented by international regions. Within each region and locale, we form a collaborative team of leaders from the Christian community, education field, government, business, and non-profit sectors. All of these leaders share a commitment to concretely address current social and economic obstacles that frequently arise in our nations and communities around issues of liberty, justice, peace, and economic opportunity. We call these collaborative relationships alliances and the larger connection a network of alliances.

Our Directive

Our imperative is to call the Church to apply biblical truth in every sphere of life and society through alliances that advocate for effective public policy, family government, citizen education, economic development, and community resourcing.​ 


We connect national, regional, and local leaders through collaborative, trust-based relationships across institutional boundaries for the common purpose of lifting people. Our touch point is the local Church. We teach, train, network and empower Christian leaders to be the material, emotional, and spiritual safety net God has called His Church to be. 


Our approach is to be faithful in service to our communities and each other, mindful of relational integrity, and respectful of organizational and personal boundaries both within our working relationships and within our communities at large. Our goal is to collaborate, empower and resource those we serve. We seek only those ends as we pursue the mission God has given us.