Spiritual Transformation
Displacing Darkness with the Light of Truth
Displacing Darkness with the Light of Truth
It is useful first to summarize the main functions of a church: Gather the people of God for worship, the Lord’s Supper, baptism, prayer, and the proclamation of the Truth. Instruct God’s people in Biblical truth for every sphere of life, not just religious topics. Equip and mobilize God’s people for service, not just in the church, but everywhere believers live out their callings.”
- Mark Beliles, Casting out the Nation´s Demons
Worldview Training
Comprehensive teaching on spiritual transformation in government, family, education, business, arts & media, medicine, and the church.
Leadership Schools
We help launch discipleship schools that touch every sphere of influence in your communities and nation.
How to start and complete projects that will change cities and nations for generations.
Unified Prayer
Community-oriented Unified Prayer, uniting Christians from different churches and denominations, directing prayer to the nation in public spaces.
Service-Based Evangelism
A missional model takes the church out to where people, seeking to meet needs there and finding a way to relate the gospel to people who have no inclination to ever attend a church.
Placing Leaders in the Gates of Influence
The church is the training center of leaders for communities and nations, not only more leaders for the church. It must then send them out into every area of influence.